An image which has found its way on to NeoGaf seems to suggest that the reveal of a Dishonored sequel will be occuring during this years E3 convention.
The image (below) shows a full title for ‘Dishonored II’ followed by the words “Witness the full reveal at E3 2014!” emblazoned below. In addition, a hashtag; #DarknessOfTyvia, is available for gamers to openly discuss their views on a Dishonored sequel via Twitter. The final point of interest, courtesy of GameSpot, is that a PS4 light bar seems to be visible in the bottom of the screen.
“If you don’t hear it through an official channel like this, assume all rumors and speculation are false.”
- This article was updated on March 9th, 2018
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Attack of the Fanboy / GAME NEWS / Leaked Dishonored 2 Image Receives Fallout 4 Treatment