While we wait for news on the Apex Legends Battle Pass and the release of the new Octane Legend, there’s been an interesting development in game. Launch pads have started showing up on the map, if you’ve been paying attention to leaks then you’ll recognize these as the leaked ultimate ability of the upcoming Octane character.

Think I found a new characters ability. Never seen this before. Octane!? @TitanfallBlog @PlayApex @PlayApexMemes @RealApexLeaks @PlayApexINTEL @PlayApexInfo pic.twitter.com/sCrVZEiiiH

— Jnich (@Intellectvsigno) March 15, 2019

They appear to be scattered across the map in different areas, you can run up to them and they will jump you into the air! It is very likely they are a tease at the upcoming release of the Octane Legend which you can learn more about here. This is a good sign, because we’ve all been waiting on the release of the Battle Pass (more information here), and while some information on it leaked this week, it looks like we’ll be waiting at least until after the weekend for it to drop!