We’ve been discussing PS5 for a while now, and as we get closer and closer to the official reveal of the console, there’s a lot of work in the making off the radar. It looks like Sony is doing that even if all the attention is currently on Gamescom and its incoming PlayStation 4 releases.

As spotted by a Twitter user, the Japanese platform owner has issued a patent for a design based on PlayStation 5. At the time being, it’s just an industrial sketch, not something we believe could be close to the final box.

However, looking at how big the machine currently is, there’s a chance that it could be more the development kit being sent to developers working on PlayStation at the moment more than anything else, and even that would be news, too.

Last time we heard about the matter, Sony was already preparing dev kits to send them to developers, and Mark Cerny’s interview with Wired itself was a way to prevent leaks about those from popping up all over the Internet.

Sony Interactive Entertainment has patent a unknown electronic device that looks similar to a PlayStation Dev Kit system. Could this be PlayStation 5 Development Kit? Source: https://t.co/uQWjKtkqJy pic.twitter.com/cl08VEj4SU

— Andrew Marmo (@the_marmolade) August 20, 2019

So, whether this is the dev kit, the actual PS5 prototype or something completely different, it’s interesting to note that the Japanese console maker is using all those vents, perhaps in the effort to avoid the box to be as noisy as the PS4 and PS4 Pro models now on the market.

Could it be something we’ll see in the final box, as well? We do believe it’ll be different, but it’s good that they learned the lesson at least.