With Lost Judgment: The Kaito Files launching March 28, Sega has started to ramp up its marketing. The official release date announcement mentioned that Kaito had two unique fighting styles, with little else about the combat experience being discussed. Today, we finally got to see Kaito in action.

Sega of America released two separate gameplay videos showing off Kaito’s fighting prowess through his Bruiser and Tank styles. Fitting with his character, they’re a departure from Yagami’s three styles, which focus more on speed and flashy movesets. By contrast, both of Kaito’s styles are slower-paced.

Based on the gameplay video, the Tank style shares a lot in common with the Beast style from Yakuza 0 and Yakuza Kiwami. We see Kaito eating damage without being staggered, but he’s also able to seamlessly incorporate melee weapons scattered around the environment into combos without stopping to pick them up. These were the key characteristics of the Yakuza Beast style.

The Bruiser is the more aggressive of Kaito’s styles, with no clear analog. It focuses on single-target, high-damage strikes like Yagami’s Tiger style, but it also has evasion and counter techniques that would fall closer in line with the Snake style.