Dark Souls 3 recently received a new patch on Steam that looked to address some issues with the game’s PvP, though now the developer has decided to remove it from the platform. The patch has apparently been causing many people problems on the performance side of things, leading to them removing it for now.

Here’s what developer From Software said about the patch being removed on the Steam forums:

“The patch has been removed temporarily to fix the freeze issues. We hope to reinstate the patch ASAP. If you fall victim to one of the bugs previously fixed, don’t worry, you won’t be penalized.”

The original intention of the patch was to address the current problem they are facing with cheaters in the game, though they inadvertently ended up hurting everyone else. There are currently no details regarding when the fixed patch might be re-released on Steam, though they promise that more information will be released as soon as it becomes available.

Dark Souls 3 is available now for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC, marking the end of the series for now. We enjoyed the game a lot when we reviewed it earlier this year, which you can check out by clicking right here.

  • This article was updated on March 8th, 2018

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Attack of the Fanboy / GAME NEWS / Latest Dark Souls 3 Patch Removed From Steam Due To Performance Issues

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