Apex Legends has its share of glitches, as expected with any live service game of that size. The newest issue is an error message that is kicking players out of the game mid-match. While the error itself isn’t new, the volume at which it was happening to players was vastly greater than in the recent past. Respawn, the development team for Apex Legends has been working on the issue and seems to have found a partial cause.

While they haven’t said exactly what the glitch is, they have stated that they have removed Kings Canyon from the map rotation while they fix it, meaning that the glitch was most likely caused by something unique to that map.

The other two maps in rotation for Season 12, Olympus and Storm Point, will both still be available to play, as will all Arenas maps. This will not affect Ranked Leagues at all, as Kings Canyon is not the current map for that mode.

For more Apex Legends content, check out Can you complete daily and weekly challenges in any mode in Apex Legends? on Pro Game Guides.