Thanks to the release of the game in Japan, we finally have some details about the graphics and performances of Kingdom Hearts III.
Indeed, the game is featuring two modes, one for the graphics and the other for the performances, on PS4 Pro and Xbox One X.
Standard Mode(標準モード): Offers better frame rate at the cost of graphics
Stable Mode (安定モード): Offers better graphics at the cost of performance.
We don’t have the specifics of the two modes, whether the frame rate is fixed at 60 frames per second in the “standard mode” or will simply be unlocked.
Standard Mode(標準モード): Offers better frame rate at the cost of graphics
”The graphics movement will be smooth”
Stable Mode (安定モード): Offers better graphics at the cost of performance.
Frame rate will be stable.
The same goes for the resolution, which has been claimed to be native 4K on Xbox One X over the last few months but we don’t really know about.
Kingdom Hearts III releases on January 29 for PS4 and Xbox One in Western territories.
Source: Reddit