Before too long, you will come across a Message in a Bottle in Sea of Thieves. These messages can contain voyage quests, riddles, and Order of Souls rumors. This particular guide deals with the rumor of three skeleton captains on Paradise Spring: Captain Topher Twinsword, Captain Deadly Daley, and Captain Carousin’ Russell.
Paradise Spring Rumor
Head on over to Paradise Spring in search of these rumored captains. We suggest that you anchor your ship in such a way that your cannons face the panhandle of the island. We’ll get to the reason for that in a minute, but it will help you greatly. Divide your crew in two and head to the island. The idea here is to draw out the rumored captains by clearing the island of all skeletons. Once you defeat them all, another wave will spawn, this time being tougher and more dangerous. This will go on for a couple of rounds until eventually the three captains will appear.
Once the three captains appear, they can pose quite the problem. This is where your perfectly positioned ship and its broadside of cannons come into play. We were most successful by trying to herd the three captains into close proximity while having the other crew members fire the cannons at the beach. Turns out that a cannonball to the face is quite an effective strategy against these guys. Don’t let anyone tell you different!
After you’ve killed all three captains, your quest is complete and it’s time to reap the rewards. Don’t forget to fill up on bananas, as they’re plentiful on this island and you may have a few wounds to heal. Look for each of the captain’s skulls and bring it back to your ship. Store it someplace safe and head to the nearest outpost. The local Order of Souls vendor will reward you handsomely for the return of a creepily glowing skull. Wonder what they do with those…
This rumor quest was one of the most fun side missions we’ve encountered so far in Sea of Thieves. It’s a reminder to never turn away a Message in a Bottle! For more helpful guides on pirating, check out our Sea of Thieves Guide Hub.