Jonathan Hickman debuted a sneak peek at his upcoming mysterious Marvel series during NYCC. The upcoming series from Hickman and Valerio Schiti is expected sometime next year. It is teased as the “Sandman for the Marvel Universe.” However, little is known about the series, with the creators keeping it pretty hush-hush. Now, we have the first glimpse of what is in store for us.
What Is Jonathan Hickman Cooking Up?
During the C.B. Cebulski panel at NYCC, attendees were given a peek at the character designs for the Jonathan Hickman series. Several character designs were revealed, and two items will play some role in the book. The first design is several different outfits for a single man. Each design shows the man in a coat of varying colors and styles. However, what remains the same is the jet-black hair with a single white streak through it. Next up is two variant designs for a woman. She has a silver bob hairstyle, and each design is a pantsuit of some sort. The design also shows off some jewel necklace and crystalline gun.
The next design is for a young woman with a messy black ponytail. The designs look reminiscent of that of Jubilee from the X-Men. Perhaps a nod to Jonathan Hickman’s work on the X-Men series. In some, she is wearing a long yellow coat, and in others, the coat or hoodies is pink. Next is a man whose dominant color is silver, hinting at a relation to the silver-bobbed woman. His designs feature silver jackets and pants of varying styles. He is accompanied by a weapon or item labeled “Thing-of-Order.”
The final character design is that of a badly scarred individual. The side of his face is in varying stages of disfigurement. His designs feature a long black coat and cane but a different mask. Finally, the last glimpse is the design of a badge of sorts. It looks like two round rings merging together.
Is That All We Know?
The designs are accompanied by the tagline “What Happens When The Powers That Be Meet The Natural Order Of Things?”. While this offers very little information on what the mysterious Marvel series is about, it is nice to see something. Especially the variety of characters and what they could possibly be up to. Unfortunately, Jonathan Hickman is keeping things on the DL for now. Hopefully, we will get more updates soon.