Jio has partnered with Quikr to introduce a new offer which provides an instant cashback of Rs. 2,200 for smartphones bought from Quikr Bazaar which run on Jio’s telecom network. The Jio-Quikr offer is now live on Quikr Bazaar, Quikr’s marketplace platform where one can buy a wide range of pre-owned and refurbished smartphones

Once the buyer has activated a Jio SIM on their smartphone purchased from Quikr Bazaar, they can choose from the Rs. 198 or the Rs. 299 prepaid plan to avail the cashback. The Rs. 198 plan offers benefits such as unlimited calling and 2GB of 4G data per day with a validity of 28 days, while the Rs. 299 plan allows unlimited calling and offers 3GB of daily data for 28 days.

Once the customer has opted for either of the two Jio prepaid plans, they will get a cashback of Rs. 2,200 that will be credited to their account through the MyJio app.


The Jio-Quikr cashback offer is only valid for devices purchased between November 29th and February 25th.