Apex Legends released the newest Stories from the Outlands short, Hero, in preparation for Season 13: Saviors. It starts with a flashback. Newcastle was a local legend trying (and failing) to get into the Apex Games and had made some deals with some very dangerous people who wanted to burn down the town to even try. With every attempt a no-go, the dangerous men he’d dealt with decide to turn on him and attack him. That’s when Jackson comes in.

That’s right, Jackson wasn’t Newcastle to begin with. Newcastle was a man named Renee, and Jackson was only the mechanic who helped repair Newcastle’s suit. But when the original Newcastle’s deals take more from him than he can give, Jackson steps in. Into the role as Newcastle and into the Apex Games.

He offers to go to save his town, even if it meant makes a deal with some awful people. He never expected to be joining the games, and especially didn’t expect to be joining his sister, Bangalore, on the battlefield. Like Bangalore herself said, he’s got a lot of explaining to do.

For more Apex Legends content, check out Apex Legends Season 13: Saviors introduces Newcastle, The Downed Beast, Ranked Reloaded on Pro Game Guides.