The greatest hero of all time, Twitter fans, reunite for one more task. Twitter has been a hub for some of the changes coming to the entertainment world. Not just Twitter, but Marvel fans are declaring they know the best for entertainment. I agree we do know quite a lot about the shows we like to watch. The next celebrity petition is coming live on Twitter in the next couple of weeks. The goal, to bring Jack Black to the Marvel Universe.

Jack Black: The Hero We Deserve

Jack Black has been an iconic actor since the beginning of the 2000s, in his first breakthrough role in High Fidelity. The true stardom came from the hit School of Rock. He will always be the fun dad at all the parties. From the jokes he makes on-screen to the rock and roll album he has off-screen, he is a man of many talents. One talent would be the increasing number of fans that will back him in any situation. Even one fan brought the idea that Jack Black could have easily replaced Chris Pratt in any MCU movie.

 The New Marvel Star-Lord

Fans are coming from everywhere declaring different roles Jack Black could play. The number one role would be, Star-Lord. One fan stated that “Jack Black could replace Chris Pratt in anything that clown has ever been in.” A very aggressive statement, but to fans, a true one, nonetheless. This fan goes on for a whole Twitter rant bringing forth all the evidence why he would be a great hero to replace Star-Lord.