OnePlus may be gearing up to launch a fitness band, possibly next week, in India. But, the Chinese giant has also confirmed the arrival of its first-ever smartwatch sometime later in 2021. The OnePlus Health app, which went live last night, gave us a closer look at the OnePlus Band, its features, and watch faces. But, it appears to have also leaked out the upcoming OnePlus Watch.
Not a lot of information is readily available for this upcoming smartwatch. The name and code, however, suggests that it could be a rebranded Oppo Watch RX. We cannot wait to get our hands on the OnePlus Watch to see whether it could be a saving grace for Google’s Wear OS or not. It is rumored to be powered by Wear OS but we suggest you take all of this information with a grain of salt. Let’s wait for more official details before we jump to any conclusions.