Is this ticket worth the asking price? Find out what you’ll get here!

Players hoping to add a new Pokemon to their team of Legendaries in Pokemon GO will have the ultimate chance to do so. While all gamers will be able to partake in the Mythical Wishes event that will be happening within the game, only some gamers will have the opportunity to add Keldeo to their team.

Gamers hoping to add this particular Legendary to their team may be interested in the Something Extraordinary Ticked Research Event within the world of Pokemon GO. But, for its asking price, is it something that casual players should invest in, or should only the hardcore apply here? Let’s find out what it all entails!

Something Extraordinary Ticket In Pokemon GO – Is It Worth It?

Gamers hoping to add this little pony to their team in Pokemon GO are going to need to cough up $7.99 to obtain this special research story. As the only way to obtain Keldeo in their game, those that are aiming for a full Pokedex within the game are instantly going to want to purchase it.

However, for those that may be fairly casual Pokemon GO fans, is this monster really worth that much money? While they may be a force to reckon with in the PVP modes and can give your team an excellent boost, it’s hard to justify that much money for a Legendary Pokemon when there are so many available at no cost.

There are a few other incentives that could help sweeten the pot for gamers that are on the fence, however. There will be Special Research rewards that can grant gamers plenty of exclusive items for their game, including;

  • Keldeo T-Shirt (Male and Female Avatar)
  • Rare Candies
  • Silver Pinap Berries
  • Incubators
  • Super Incubators
  • Incense
  • Water and Fighting-type Encounters
  • More to come

Is this enough to sway casual Pokemon GO players into paying almost $10 for a ticket to this event? It’s hard to say. While the incentive of T-shirts and items could be the final step that gamers need to purchase this ticket, this feels like an event targeted more at the hardcore fans of the game. If the ticket was around $4.99 or less, it may be an easier sale, but at its current price, there are better things that players will be able to purchase.

However, gamers still hoping to participate in the event will have plenty of free options available. Pokemon encounters galore, alongside Community Days, Research Breakthroughs, and Field Research Tasks are more than enough to pad out the month for those not looking to drop almost $10 on this particular research ticket.

Pokemon GO is available now on Mobile Devices.

  • This article was updated on December 5th, 2022

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