Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel was released in January 2022, bringing a new flavor to the card game genre. Like most games nowadays, Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel comes with a Duel Pass, allowing players to earn bonus rewards while playing. Since players have to shell out real money for the Duel Pass, many have wondered if it’s worth buying.
There is no clear answer to that question, and it varies from player to player. Duel Pass is not worth buying for casual players who are riding with the wave and won’t play the game sincerely. This answer also holds for players new to Yu-Gi-Oh or card games in general. Beginners should try to get the hang of the game and learn about different decks before buying the Deluxe pass. On the other hand, if you plan to spend decent time in the game, Duel Pass can be a great tool to yield bonus rewards. It will help obtain rare cards, which otherwise would be more difficult.
The normal version of the Duel Pass will be available to every player, whereas the Gold version will cost 600 Gems. Although the Gold version will allow players to earn a decent amount of Gems, the game is very free-to-play friendly, and Gems can be earned even without the Gold version of the pass.