Steam is the biggest gaming platform for PC, and because of this, its servers are under constant stress from the number of players attempting to connect. Sometimes this causes login errors, server issues, or just poor connection to the platform. In these situations, it’s hard to determine what is causing the problem.

It’s often difficult to know if the connection is wrong on your end or if there is an issue with the Steam servers themselves. The best way to solve this issue is to check the Steam server status. That way, you’ll know the problem and when it will be solved. There are several quick ways to find out if Steam is down. But before everything, you can first try to restart Steam.

How to check Steam Server Status

Check Steam Website

  • Steam Stats

Few people know there is a helpful and direct method to check the server status for Steam. Players can see how many people were online in the past 48 hours using the stats page above. If you see a sudden (i.e., vertical or near vertical) drop in the graph, many Steam users were suddenly kicked from the platform.

The downsides to this method are that it doesn’t offer much helpful info and isn’t precise. It simply answers the question of whether users suddenly stopped being logged in. Sometimes that information will be enough for you, but if you need more details, you’ll have to search for unofficial sources on Steam status.

Unofficial Steam Status

  • Unofficial Steam Status Down detector

This method is the most helpful way to determine precisely where the issue is. It shows which services are operating poorly and which countries are having trouble. This website is also outside of the platform itself, so if the entire Steam website goes down, you’ll be able to use this tool to see why.

You can also see an entire list of how many players are playing each game. So, if you’re having trouble connecting to servers in a specific game, this website will help you determine if the issue is on your end or Steam. Those are the best two methods to check the current Steam Server Status!

For more information on Steam, find out How to refund a game on Steam, How to change your Steam password, and how to fix when Steam Store is not loading on Pro Game Guides.