Atlus, the company behind the popular Shin Megami Tensei franchise, has recently announced Soul Hackers 2, the sequel to popular spin-off game Soul Hackers. Following four days of questions from the sentient Aion in an effort to prevent the end of the world, an announcement stream showcased a live-action combat sequence before revealing information about the game. Hot off the success of Shin Megami Tensei V, people are wondering if Soul Hackers 2 is on the Nintendo Switch?

Sadly, the answer is no. Soul Hackers 2 has been announced for PlayStation, Steam, and for the first time, Xbox — but there is no mention of the Nintendo Switch anywhere. This is a little shocking to some, as Shin Megami Tensei V was the fastest selling SMT title on Nintendo hardware, selling over 800,000 units since it’s launch in November.

Soul Hackers 2 will launch on (almost) all platforms August 25th in Japan, and August 26th for the rest of the world according to Atlus West. If you pre-order the Japanese version, you can receive an artbook, the game soundtrack, and a mini-statue of Aion-kun, a Jack Frost dressed up as one of the characters from the game, as well as a set of Persona 5 costumes, featuring Joker, Panther, Skull and Crow outfits for the main cast.