As far as brand trust goes, Samsung is probably higher up in the list than a lot of popular Android OEMs are. However, it looks as though the South Korean giant is trying its hand out at doing things I personally wouldn’t have expected from them — tricking users into installing apps that they probably don’t want on their phones.

  • These suggestions couldn’t be farther away from the kind of apps I install and interact with on my phone.
  • The suggestions should be opt-in, not opt-out.

Another issue I have with this entire crap-fest that the Galaxy Store is, is the fact that these apps are apparently trending on this app store. “Likee” may be trending, and maybe just maybe Hungama is trending, but apps like VMate, Mobile Premier League, Aawaz(dot)com, etc can not be trending.

Even the Galaxy Store itself doesn’t surface these apps (other than VMate) in its ‘Top’, ‘Trending Apps of This Month’, and ‘Most Searched’ categories, which is a clear indication that these are simply apps that paid Samsung to be installed on as many smartphones as possible, and Samsung accepted. It is, quite clearly, a ploy to increase the number of app installs for these so-called ‘trending apps’, most of which I’ve never heard of before in my life, and it’s my job to look at apps and gadgets, so that’s saying something.