When you want to drop into a battle royale game like PUBG, you want to make sure you can bring all of your friends with you. PUBG has been around for quite a bit of time, and you can play it on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC platforms. But do you have the capacity to join in with your console friends if you’re playing on a computer? Unfortunately, PC players are not able to play with those playing on a console. But if you’re playing on a console, you can play with each other across platforms, so if you’re running the Xbox version, you can play with your PlayStation friends.

You need to make sure you friend anyone on a different console you want to play with by having their PlayStation Network name or their Xbox Live name. So long as you have that information, the two of you can drop down into any of the maps together and see if you can survive to the final circle.

We don’t know if the developers behind PUBG plan to add support for console players to battle against those playing PC. Many players have said that they run into multiple hackers while playing on a PC game, and they make playing the game a little frustrating. This could be the reason console players can’t compete with a PC player. For now, the developers are leaving the PC players to fight against themselves. If you own PUBG on a console, you’ll be able to fight against a much larger community.