With games like Warzone, Fortnite, and Apex Legends dominating the Battle Royale genre, some gamers may forget the game that started it all, PUBG. Now, with PUBG on consoles and its new free-to-play model, the game has a chance to earn its spot back.

PUBG: Battlegrounds is, in fact, cross platform when it comes to console play. This means that players on Xbox and PlayStation can squad up together as well as face off against each other. However, this game does not support crossplay when it comes to PC. Players on PC do not have the ability to play with people on either Xbox or Playstation.

The reason for this divide between console and PC players could be for a few reasons. One of the more obvious ones is that PC players have a massive advantage over console players because they can use a mouse and keyboard. Though, the reason for the split is likely because full cross platform play is a technological nightmare. To set this up would require a lot of work from the development team, and they are likely too busy working on PUBG 2 to tackle the full cross-platform support.

So there you have it, PUBG: Battlegrounds is cross platform for Xbox and PlayStation consoles but not for PC. Despite the games dwindling popularity, the game still holds Steam’s record for overall peak player count, and with the new free-to-play model, there may once again be a chance for the game to shine.

For more PUBG guides, check out How to use EMT Gear in PUBG: Battlegrounds right here on Pro Game Guides.