Earlier this month, Apple launched its much-awaited iPhone 13 series at its California Streaming event. Although the company reduced the size of the Face ID notch this year, several consumers, as expected, still mocked the latest iPhone series for its resemblance with the iPhone 12 series. However, a recent iFixit teardown of the iPhone 13 Pro Max reveals that Apple made several small but significant changes to the new models.
Another notable change inside the iPhone 13 Pro Max includes a smaller Taptic Engine than the iPhone 12 Pro Max. However, as noted by iFixit, while the engine has become smaller, it is now bulkier with a weight of 6.3 grams. It is significantly more than the 4.8 grams engine in the iPhone 12 Pro Max.
However, it is worth mentioning that if your iPhone 13 Pro or Pro Max ever requires a display replacement, Face ID will break. Moreover, the teardown of the standard iPhone 13 reveals that if you somehow damage your earpiece speaker of the device, a technician would have to remove the entire logic board to repair it.