To make progress in the Enkanomiya area of Genshin Impact, players will need to venture deep underground. Eventually, you will discover what appears to be a large gateway, and Paimon will prompt you to investigate the nearby area and search for clues.

You will actually be searching for sigils that can be found engraved on the walls, rocks, and cliffs of this area. This quest appears to be a little bugged, and while they should be showing up on your minimap, this may not be the case.

Below, you can find all the clue locations for this portion of the game. All the sigils will be near some scrolls and parchments that can be found on the ground and will have lit candles around them, making them a little easier to spot.

Clue Location 1

Clue Location 2

Clue Location 3

Clue Location 4

Clue Location 5