In addition to the recent 12th Gen processors, Intel has added new 12th-Gen Core HX mobile processors to its growing portfolio. The new processors are aimed at content creators and gaming enthusiasts. The announcement includes 7 processors under the Core i5, Core i7, and Core i9 models and are the industry’s first overclockable and unlocked chips. Here’s a look at the technical details.
The new HX series is claimed to provide around 65% more performance in multi-threaded workloads and comes with up to 16 cores with a processor base power of 55W. It also supports a maximum Turbo Power of 157W. The lineup includes 7 processors, namely Core i9-12950HX, Core i9-12900HX, Core i7-12850HX, Core i7-12800HX, Core i7-12650HX, Core i5-12600HX, and Core i5-12450HX.
The Intel HX processors also support the Dynamic RAM Boost feature, an updated Intel Speed Optimizer, and Intel’s Extreme Tuning Utility. It also provides a much more stable performance of apps like AutoCAD, Revit, and more. OEMs such as Dell, HP, Lenovo, and more are soon expected to introduce their workstations with the new Intel 12th Gen Core HX processors.