ComicBook is reporting that the worldwide phenomenon that is Pokemon Go will be adding Inkay and Malamar to its roster. The addition will occur during their five-day Pokemon Go Psychic Spectacular event which will focus mostly on Psychic-type Pokemon. Along with that announcement, Pokemon also confirmed that they will be keeping the 80-meter interaction radius in place which was first implemented during the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. It was initially meant to be temporary but after listening to their fans, they decided to keep it for the foreseeable future.

Season of the Psychic-type

The Pokemon Go Psychic Spectacular will also usher in the Season of Mischief Special Research storyline that will start on September 5. With this new event also comes some changes to how often you can catch certain Pokemon. Abra, Drowsee, Elgyem, Gothita, and Solosis will have higher appearance chances while Alolan Raichu, Bronzor, Chimecho, Espurr, Inkay, Metagross, Medicham, Staryu, and Wobbuffet will all be raid bosses during the event. New Field Researchers will be available so you can get rewards when you encounter a certain type of pokemon and brand new stickers featuring Psychic-type pokemon. And for those looking for harder raid bosses, well you’re in luck because Luigia and Mega Slowbor will be part of the Legendary and Mega Raid Pokemon rotation.

Inky is a Dark/Physic-type Pokemon that evolves into Malamar when it reaches a certain level and when you physically turn your console, usually a Nintendo Switch, upside-down, with your hands preferably. How that will work on mobile is still up in the air. The Pokemon Go Psychic Spectacular will commence on September 8 and run through September 13. Also in September, we can expect to see a Fashion Week event and a kickoff event for the Season of Mischief featuring Hoopa.