In a recent talk at GDC 2019, id Software has shed more light about how its relationship with Google was born.

The studio will be bringing DOOM Eternal from day one between later this year and early 2020 on Google Stadia, which was only possible after a lot of work and testing.

Senior Programmer Dustin Land shared that it took just three weeks of work, by at team of two, in order to bring 2016’s DOOM on Stadia.

But, a first iteration of the streaming platform was all but convincing, as that “lackluster” version was lagging even on a local network. That was on September 2016.

Anyway, the following month of November, Google returned to id with a new release of the platform, and that was when things really changed.

“Needless to say, it was a night and day difference,” Land said.

“We were stunned by how much things had improved… It [only felt] like someone just forgot to enable game mode on the TV.”

More recently, at the studio, id held a blind test between Stadia and local hardware “to keep themselves honest and really drill down on eliminating perceivable differences in the play experience. They also wanted to demonstrate that Stadia could be superior to a local experience in certain eyes.”

In that blind test, you could “hardly tell what was local and what was remote,” he revealed, which means quite a lot for gamers – if even devs themselves didn’t note that difference between the two versions.

Have you given a look at how much bandwidth you’ll be required in order to run Google Stadia at your home? It’s launching in 2019.
