Hunt: Showdown has today launched update, so here’s the full list of changes and additions with this patch. Today’s update seems to be entirely focused around bug fixes, being a hotfix after all. This is mainly to address the issues that cropped up following the 1.6.1 update. This update didn’t bring anything crazy, but it’s clear that it wasn’t void of causing problems. All in all, Hunt: Showdown should run much smoother once you finish installing this patch. Without further adieu, here’s all that’s new with Hunt: Showdown update!

Hunt: Showdown Update Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that resulted in item counts not updating correctly in the regular store page when purchasing items through the event store page.
  • Fixed the @ui_string in the Bow & Arrow entry in the Book of weapons to show the correct title for the entry.
  • Fixed a bug that resulted in inconsistencies when trying to remove traits for a hunter.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the matchmaking timer and text to be visible behind the event screen.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the wrong icons to show for the bow unlocks on the event progression page.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the “hire” and “reshuffle” buttons to overlap on the recruitment screen.
  • Fixed some localization issues.
  • Fixed a bug where the pop-up for the Wayfarer and the Waxwing were not the same format.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the mouse cursor to appear in-game and remain on the screen.
  • Fixed the translation of the “Verbana” knife in several languages.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the audio from clues to loop if a clue was collected the moment the boss was banished.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the event welcome and chose your path pages from appearing for new players when they first login.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the discount timer to change randomly.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause Armoured to become stuck in doorways after breaking down the door.
  • Fixed several tooltips for the bow that incorrectly displayed character strings instead of the intended details.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the dual wield icon to not correctly display when it is possible to dual wield.
  • Fixed a bug that caused players to lose the Bow custom ammo after prestiging.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the locked custom ammo for the bow to appear darker than other locked ammo types.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed “The Waxwing” to be granted as a prestige unlock.
  • Fixed several bugs tied to the after-match report.
  • Fixed a bug that caused double event pop-ups to appear when unlocking an event item through the progression path.

Known Issues

  • Destroying a pyre with bolts or throwing axes/knives can cause these items to disappear. We recommend to melee the pyres instead to avoid losing any ammo.
  • Pressing ESC before the trail results screen appears will result the the buttons not being clickable.

[*]Some weapons may appear to not have a legendary skin on after using it to melee an AI.

Like said, there really isn’t much exciting with Hunt: Showdown update It’s really just a heap of bug fixes, along with the usually mentioned known issues. Particularly useful to those who play Hunt in other languages, the localization fixes should make sure there isn’t as many errors in writing. Once again though, this isn’t anything super exciting. Overall, a good if not flashy update.

Hunt: Showdown is available on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. For more information regarding today’s patch, check out the official Steam post.