Fantasy Life Online offers players many ways to earn free rewards through play, making it extremely easy to enjoy without spending a single dime. One of the most underutilized features that offer “free” items is the Bulletin Board. Located next to the Goddess Statue in a player’s Village, the Bulletin Board allows players to complete requests from villagers in exchange for Diamonds, armor, XP orbs, and more.

Labeled “Wish Board” in the village and Bulletin Board everywhere else, players can view both time-limited event requests and standard “Wish” requests. Each request will want one or more items that players can either forage or craft in exchange for unique pieces of equipment or other rewards such as in-game currency.

There are currently 8 Wish requests for players to complete and over 60 event requests available. New event requests arrive with each new event, while the original 8 Wish requests have not been updated at this time. If the global release of Fantasy Life Online follows in the footsteps of the now-defunct Japanese release, players should be seeing more soon.

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