In Call of Duty Warzone 2, players get to customize various options that help them loot faster and navigate through the structures quicker. Contextual Tap, called Prioritize Interact in the Settings, is one feature you need to reduce time wasted while looting. You can change this option from the Settings, and it will save you a lot of time in-game. Here’s how to activate Contextual Tap in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2.

How to activate Contextual Tap in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2? 

Players must visit the Settings menu by clicking on the gear icon to turn on this feature. Select the Controller tab, and scroll down to the Interact/Reload Behavior section. You’ll see four options here, Tap to Reload, Tap to Interact, Prioritize Interact, and Prioritize Reload. Select the Prioritize Interact option from this section. This little change can greatly impact your gameplay for several reasons.

Firstly, Contextual Tap prioritizes the interaction based on the situation. For instance, while looting, you’ll simply need to tap the button once to pick up the item. Similarly, one tap will work while opening doors or picking up weapons. However, you’ll need to hold on to the button to reload your weapon. This feature makes it easier for players to navigate through buildings and collect loot in Warzone 2.

With this setting, the press and hold mechanic is replaced with a simple tap, allowing players to be quick with all the activities. The holding mechanic shifts to the Reload option. We recommend binding the Reload button to a different key if you grind Modern Warfare 2, as this setting is universal for both games.

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